Team Building Seminar for Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees held

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Faculty and employees of the University opened the school year with a team building seminar themed Angat Lahing BPSU held on June 11 at Lou-is Resort and Restaurant, City of Balanga, Bataan. The seminar was spearheaded by the Faculty Association (FAsso) and the Federation of Administrative and Support Employees Association (FASEA).

The seminar aimed to inculcate love for work and camaraderie among BPSU employees. A glimpse of the bigger picture of the Philippines in relation to the employees’ individual work attitude was emphasized by the invited speakers. The richness of the Philippine natural resources and what the country can offer to the world were presented and connected to the faculty members’ desire for improving their crafts. Clips from the film Gifted Hands were also presented to reinforce the speaker’s points.

For non-teaching staff, the speaker emphasized the value of loving one’s work, having concern to the University and having the motivation to dream.

Team-building activity learned by FAsso and FASEA officers during their team-building session last summer was passed on to the participants after the talk.

The event was divided into two consecutive sessions. The morning session for faculty was handled by the resource person Mrs. Daniela Marina Sycip Zuburri, a values management expert. The afternoon session was devoted to non-teaching personnel, where another values management expert, Mr. Edgardo Ramos served as resource person.

Faculty president Evelyn S. Tria thanked all those to supported the event. The FAsso and FASEA plan to conduct the said team building seminar to employees of the City Government of Balanga.