Dr. Magpantay is PSC’s New President

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BPSU President Dr. Delfin O. Magpantay is the new president of the Philippine Science Consortium (PSC), formerly Luzon Science Consortium. Last December 3, the Turnover Ceremony of the presidency of the PSC was held at Benguet State University along with the conduct of the 2010 Math-Science and Technology Quiz. The immediate past president of PSC and president of Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University in Pampanga, Dr. Enrique Baking delivered the accomplishment report of the organization for the year 2010. After the accomplishment report, the turnover of leadership was made with the University’s PSC coordinators, Dr. Felicisima Olaya and Ms. Glenda Abad, witnessing the transfer.

In his speech, Dr. Magpantay said, “By next year, we hope that we will enjoy serving our constituents especially on fields of science.” Dr. Magpantay also said that while science is not within his line of expertise, he will try his best to make PSC 2011 successful and at the same time cater to the needs of students and faculty. At the end of his speech, Dr. Magpantay said that everything that PSC will do in 2011 will offered for the glorification of the Creator.

The PSC is an organization of higher education institutions established in 1982 with the aim to improve science education in Luzon upon the advise of the Science Education Institute (SEI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) under the Institution Building Program (IBP) of the then National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA) Science Promotion Institute.